The most wonderful time of the year

The most wonderful time of the year

I was recently asked “what’s your favorite thing about the Christmas season?"
So many answers flooded my mind. The festivities, delicious food, beautiful decorations, the gathering of family and friends. For me Christmas is truly "the most wonderful time of the year." I love it!
But with the question, I felt the invitation to go a bit deeper. “Why? Why do I love it so much? What does the season offer (besides gifts and gatherings)? What is this tangible presence that wraps me up and feels like a warm embrace?”
As I sat with Abba, my questions of Christmas were answered with clarity.
Christmas is built upon the foundation of LOVE. Upon that foundation, HOPE resides and Hope is the springboard for FAITH.
These elements, so beautifully woven together, encapsulate everything Christmas represents. These elements are the tangible presence we long to feel within our spirit every day of our lives. These elements, in their FULLNESS, were offered to the world in the tiniest of packages, the lowliest of places and given to all who will receive. YESHUA. JESUS. HE’S THE GIFT!
The Christmas season represents LIFE WITH CHRIST.
It’s HIM. He’s the One I love so much. It’s His presence in the season. It’s His presence in EVERY DAY. He’s the tangible presence of the warm embrace. He’s the comfort. He’s the beauty. He’s the pleasure of every delicious morsel and sip of savory sweetness. He is who our hearts ADORE.
Through Him, Christmas is offered to each of us. Not just one season of the year, but every single day and for that I am forever grateful.
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